On-Demand Webinar
Whiteboard Session: Comparing Replibit, ShadowProtect, and Veeam

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Backup and disaster recovery solutions are complex, with various elements and factors that need to be considered when choosing one that’s best for your clients. Fortunately, eFolder has a portfolio of robust BDR solutions designed to benefit both partners and their clients.

In this eFolder whiteboard session, join Dave Stufflebeam, Director of Sales Engineer at eFolder, and Neeraj Periwal, Product Marketing Manager at eFolder, as they visually break down the key differences between Replibit, ShadowProtect, and Veeam. You’ll learn:
  • How eFolder BDR for Replibit, eFolder BDR for ShadowProtect, and eFolder BDR for Veeam work in different ways
  • How eFolder’s back-end infrastructure complements your choice of image-based backup software
  • Which BDR solution to choose based on your deployment scenarios and clients’ unique needs
  • How to communicate the benefits of a BDR solution to your clients

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